Specializing in Personal Injury and Business Law
Peace of Mind
You may be worried. You may have a limited ability to work. You may be disillusioned over the response (or lack thereof) you have received from insurance companies that are supposed to help you. You may be worried about mortgage and rent payments.
Let us help. We specialize in personal injury litigation and will work with you no matter your background. We’ve helped people with crush fractures, torn rotator cuffs, nerve damage, meniscus & ligament tears, concussive syndromes & brain damage, shoulder impingements, tendon ruptures, and/or disc ruptures. We’ve helped people who suffered strain and sprain-type traumas to the muscles, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues.
You now have to deal with a sudden upheaval from these injuries. Let us take on the job of handling insurance companies, lawyers, medical bills, and wage losses. We started the firm with the goal of providing you peace of mind from lessons we drew from the courtroom, countless client meetings, and prior law firm experience. We’re ready.
Although there is no way to eliminate the stress that accompanies personal injury claims, there are ways to decrease it. We’ll provide you with a description of each step in your legal process along with a recommendation on how to proceed. Through regular updates, we’ll move forward with your claim after receiving your understanding. We’ll visit you in your home and walk the injury scene with you. We understand that our personal involvement is a must.
Moving Forward
Recovering from injuries is hard, especially on your own. Our job doesn’t stop after we’ve addressed the legal aspects of your case. When all is said and done, we know that your health is of upmost importance. Our goal is help you move forward again.
You should leave our representation knowing that we listened, cared, and put your health above all else. Your medical bills and wage losses should be paid, and you should have the means to care for your medical needs. You should receive pain and suffering damages that acknowledge your loss.
The pessimists will say that there is nothing to be done for you. They will tell you to just accept things as they are. We disagree. We want to make the world a little more fair and a little more just. Helping you is a privilege and our way of doing so.